Our Physical Education program is based on the Victorian Curriculum. Students from Foundation (prep) to Year 6 have a PE lesson each week with our PE teacher, Mr Mills.

Lessons consist of basic motor development, skill development, minor and major games, whilst also focusing on interpersonal skills such as team work, sharing and resilience.

We have outstanding school facilities including a hall, ovals and artificial turf area to accommodate a range of sports including volleyball, basketball, soccer and tennis.

We also offer a range of additional PE opportunities for our students including:

  • Family Fun Night held at the beginning of each year including lots of games and fun for all the members of the family
  • Interschool Sports (Years 5 and 6) playing against schools in our local district throughout terms 1 and 2
  • Representative Sports for those students who qualify at district, division, regional and state events through School Sports Victoria
  • School Cross Country event
  • School Athletics Carnival
  • Whole School Swimming Program

We want all of our students to develop a positive attitude towards sports and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.