Our teaching and learning program has a strong emphasis on the teaching of English and Mathematics, based on the Victorian Curriculum.
The other learning areas are covered through our Integrated Studies units and Specialist programs. For our Integrated Studies units, we utilise the online resource ‘Inquisitive’. Inquisitive lessons and assessments use original stimulus resources and in-built differentiation, so students learn with purpose and depth.
Students attend Specialist lessons for 1 hour per week. These include:
- AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language)
- Physical Education
- Performing Arts
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)
The remaining time per week is allocated to local and specialised programs, developed specifically to meet the needs of our students and the community, as well as integrate Victorian Curriculum learning domains. These programs include:
- Flying Start program (all year levels)
- Investigations (Junior) and Extended Research Projects (Years 3-6)
- Respectful Relationships (all year levels) & SWPBS lessons (all year levels)
- Student leadership opportunities
- Special events including sports days, school concert, carols, celebration days (all year levels)
- Swimming (all year levels)
- Buddy program (Year F and 6)
- Camping program (Years 3-6 School)
- Interschool Sport (Years 5-6 Senior School)
Our motto ‘Inspire Engage Achieve’ guides our instructional model which is implemented consistently across the school.

The Instructional Model is further enhanced by the implementation of the 8 Effective Teaching and Learning Practices (ETLPs), based on our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Classroom Systems training. ELTPs have been shown to increase the likelihood of appropriate behaviour and decrease problem behaviour while increasing academic learning time, student achievement and ensuring a positive learning environment.
These include:
- classroom expectations
- classroom procedures and routines
- Encouraging expected behaviour
- Discouraging inappropriate behaviour
- Active supervision
- Opportunities to respond
- Activity choice and sequence
- Task difficulty (differentiation)